Scientific Research
  • 职位 : 副研究员
  • 教育背景 : 中国地质大学(武汉),地质学(基地班),学士
  • 研究领域 : 粤港澳大湾区地热资源,月球浅层热环境,地震危险性评价,地质力学建模,震源机制解,地壳应力场,油气储层裂缝预测
  • 工作经历及教育背景

    2022.08-至今 人工智能与数字经济广东省实验室(深圳),副研究员

    2020.07-2022.07  南方科技大学,地球与空间科学系, 博士后





  • 学术任职:

    Tectonophysics、Geoscience Frontiers、Geodesy and Geodynamics、Journal of Seismology期刊审稿人

  • 代表性成果:

    1. Li, X, Gao, K.*, Feng, Y., Zhang C., 2022. 3D geomechanical modeling of the Xianshuihe fault zone, SE Tibetan Plateau: Implications for seismic hazard assessment. Tectonophysics 839, 229546. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229546

    2. Li, X.*, Hergert, T., Henk, A., Zeng, Z., 2022. Contemporary background stress field in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from 3D geomechanical modeling. Tectonophysics 822, 229177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229177

    3. Li, X.*, Hergert, T., Henk, A., Zeng, Z., 2021. Contemporary kinematics in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from 3D geomechanical modeling. Tectonophysics 819, 229109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229109

    4. Li, X.*, Hergert, T., Henk, A., Wang, D., Zeng, Z., 2019. Subsurface structure and spatial segmentation of the Longmen Shan fault zone at the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from focal mechanism solutions and stress field inversion. Tectonophysics 757, 10–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.03.006

    5. Li, X., Wang, J., Zeng, Z.*, Dai, Q., 2017. Spatial variations of current tectonic stress field and its relationship to the structure and rheology of lithosphere around the Bohai Sea, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 139, 83–94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.12.023

    6. 李献瑞, 曾佐勋*, 周强, 贺赤诚, 刘江平, 赵娟, 潘黎黎, 2014. 三峡库区巴东地震(Ms5.1)成因机制及次声波信号. 地球科学 39, 1793–1806.

  • 发表论文论著:


    1. Li, X, Gao, K.*, Feng, Y., Zhang C., 2022. 3D geomechanical modeling of the Xianshuihe fault zone, SE Tibetan Plateau: Implications for seismic hazard assessment. Tectonophysics 839, 229546. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229546

    2. Li, L.*, Li, X., Yang, F., Pan, L., Tian, J., 2022. Numerical Simulation of Contemporary Kinematics at the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its implications for seismic hazard assessment. Solid Earth 13, 1371-1391. https://doi.org/10.5194/se-13-1371-2022

    3. Li, X.*, Hergert, T., Henk, A., Zeng, Z., 2022. Contemporary background stress field in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from 3D geomechanical modeling. Tectonophysics 822, 229177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229177

    4. Li, X.*, Hergert, T., Henk, A., Zeng, Z., 2021. Contemporary kinematics in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from 3D geomechanical modeling. Tectonophysics 819, 229109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229109

    5. Li, L.*, Li, X., Li, M., Liang, Z., Tian, J., Zeng, Z., Zeng, X., Yan, G., Lu, M., Yang, F., Tan, Z., 2020. Spatial variability of modern tectonic stress fields in the north-eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. Geological Journal 55, 7167–7192. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3818

    6. Li, X.*, Hergert, T., Henk, A., Wang, D., Zeng, Z., 2019. Subsurface structure and spatial segmentation of the Longmen Shan fault zone at the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from focal mechanism solutions and stress field inversion, Tectonophysics 757, 10-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.03.006

    7. Li, X., Wang, J., Zeng, Z.*, Dai, Q., 2017. Spatial variations of current tectonic stress field and its relationship to the structure and rheology of lithosphere around the Bohai Sea, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 139, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.12.023

    8. 王杰*, 李献瑞, 杜承宸, 曾佐勋, 2017. 汶川地震前的甲烷浓度异常及大气增温耦合. 地学前缘 24, 331–340.

    9. 贺赤诚, 李献瑞, 王杰, 曾佐勋*, 2015. 云南迪庆 5.9 级地震构造背景, 深部流变结构与发震机制. 地球科学 24, 1653–1666.

    10. 王杰*, 李献瑞, 贺赤诚, 曾佐勋, 2015. 对流层大气甲烷浓度对地震活动的响应. 地球科学 24, 1677–1688.

    11. 李献瑞, 曾佐勋*, 周强, 贺赤诚, 刘江平, 赵娟, 潘黎黎, 2014. 三峡库区巴东地震(Ms5.1)成因机制及次声波信号. 地球科学 39, 1793–1806.

    12. 杜秋姣, 李阶法, 李献瑞, 曾佐勋*, 2014. 地震台站地电场异常特性:以中国航空工业总公司 625 研究所为例. 地球科学 39, 1851–1856.

    13. 曾佐勋*, 刘根深, 李献瑞, 贺赤诚, 杨学祥, 杨冬红, 2014. 鲁甸地震(Ms6.5)临震预测,中期预测及中地壳流变结构. 地球科学 39, 1751–1762.


    曾佐勋, 李献瑞, 陈康力, 潘黎黎, 贺赤诚, 杜秋姣, 约旦及其邻区地震危险区分析—《约旦研究》, 中国地质大学出版社, 191千字, 2016.


    李献瑞, 三维地质力学建模揭示青藏高原东缘现今地壳运动学及应力场特征, 中国地球科学联合学术年会, 2021, 珠海.

    Li X., Zeng Z., Dai Q. Current Tectonic Stress Field in the Northeastern Margin of Tibetan Plateau[C]//EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2016, 18: 11128.

    Li X., Zeng Z., Xu S., He C. Study on Seismogenesis of 2013 Ms5.1 Badong Earthquake in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region[C]//2015 AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, 2015.

  • 申请专利:

    杜秋姣, 曾佐勋, 董浩斌, 沈今川, 阳德华, 迟大恒, 代青沁, 李献瑞, 一种地震前兆地电场监测系统,2016.08.31, 中国, ZL201620155711.0.