Scientific Research
  • 职位 : 副研究员
  • 教育背景 : 深圳大学 博士后
  • 研究领域 : 森林碳汇、生态环境监测与评估
  • 工作经历及教育背景

    2022.12—至今 人工智能与数字经济广东省实验室(深圳) 副研究员

    2020.06—2022.11 深圳大学 博士后

    2019.12—2020.05 深圳市自然资源和不动产评估发展研究中心 研究岗

    2014.09—2020.01 中国科学院大学/中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,地图学与地理信息系统,理学博士(直接攻博)

    2010.09—2014.06 武汉大学,测绘工程(城市空间信息方向),工学学士

  • 代表性成果:

    1. Tang, Y., Shao, Q., Shi, T., et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest ecosystem carbon budget in Guizhou: customisation and application of the CBM-CFS3 model for China. Carbon Balance and Management, 2022, 17: 10. [SCI]

    2. Tang, Y., Shao, Q., Liu J., et al. Did Ecological Restoration Hit Its Mark? Monitoring and Assessing Ecological Changes in the Grain for Green Program Region Using Multi-source Satellite Images. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11: 358. [SCI]

    3. Tang, Y., Wang, M., Liu, Q., et al. Ecological carrying capacity and sustainability assessment for coastal zones: A novel framework based on spatial scene and three-dimensional ecological footprint model. Ecological Modelling, 2022, 466: 109881. [SCI]

    4. Yang C., Liu H., Li Q., Wang X., Ma W., Liu C., Fang X., Tang Y., et al. Human expansion into Asian highlands in the 21st Century and its effects. Nature Communication, 2022, 13:4955. [SCI]

    5. 唐玉芝, 邵全琴, 曹巍, 等. 基于物质量评估的贵州南部地区生态系统服务及其县域差异比较. 地理科学, 2018, 38(1): 122-134. [CSSCI、CSCD]

  • 发表论文论著:

    1. Tang, Y., Shao, Q., Shi, T., et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest ecosystem carbon budget in Guizhou: customisation and application of the CBM-CFS3 model for China. Carbon Balance and Management, 2022, 17: 10. [SCI]

    2. Tang, Y., Shao, Q., Liu J., et al. Did Ecological Restoration Hit Its Mark? Monitoring and Assessing Ecological Changes in the Grain for Green Program Region Using Multi-source Satellite Images. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11: 358. [SCI]

    3. Tang, Y., Wang, M., Liu, Q., et al. Ecological carrying capacity and sustainability assessment for coastal zones: A novel framework based on spatial scene and three-dimensional ecological footprint model. Ecological Modelling, 2022, 466: 109881. [SCI]

    4. Tang, Y., Shao, Q., Shi, T., et al. Developing Growth Models of Stand Volume for Subtropical Forests in Karst Areas: A Case Study in the Guizhou Plateau. Forests, 2021, 12: 83. [SCI]

    5. Yang C., Liu H., Li Q., Wang X., Ma W., Liu C., Fang X., Tang Y., et al. Human expansion into Asian highlands in the 21st Century and its effects. Nature Communication, 2022, 13:4955. [SCI]

    6. Zhao, D., Zhen, J., Zhang, Y., Miao, J., Shen, Z., Jiang, X., Wang, J., Jiang, J., Tang, Y., Wu, G. Mapping mangrove leaf area index (LAI) by combining remote sensing images with PROSAIL-D and XGBoost methods. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/rse2.315. [SCI]

    7. Yang, F., Shao, Q., Guo, X., Tang, Y., et al. Effect of Large Wild Herbivore Populations on the Forage-Livestock Balance in the Source Region of the Yellow River. Sustainability, 2018, 10: 340. [SCI]

    8. Tang, Y., Shao, Q., Liu J., et al. The assessment of ecological effectiveness in the region implemented Grain for Green Programme in China in 1990-2010. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Fort Worth, USA, 2017, 6197-6200. [EI]

    9. Tang, Y., Shao, Q. Forest Ecosystem Water Conservation Dataset from the Upper Reaches of the Wujiang River, Guizhou. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2018, 2(4):428-436. [CSCD]

    10. 唐玉芝, 邵全琴, 曹巍, 等. 基于物质量评估的贵州南部地区生态系统服务及其县域差异比较. 地理科学, 2018, 38(1): 122-134. [CSSCI、CSCD]

    11. 唐玉芝, 邵全琴. 乌江上游地区森林生态系统水源涵养功能评估及其空间差异探究. 地球信息科学学报, 2016, 18(7): 987-999. [EI、CSCD]

    12. 牛丽楠, 邵全琴, 刘国波, 唐玉芝. 六盘水市地区土壤侵蚀时空特征及影响因素分析. 地球信息科学学报, 2019, 21(11): 1755-1767. [CSCD]

  • 申请专利:

    1. 唐玉芝,石铁柱,苏奋振,邬国锋. 基于空间场景的海岸带生态承载力和可持续发展评估方法, 发明专利(中国), 2022, 已申请未授权: 20221008S845.X(实审中)