光明实验室学术沙龙丨Why is it so hard to make self-driving cars?
  • 发布时间:2023-02-06
  • 作者:光明实验室
  • 浏览:1942次






Why is self- driving so hard? Despite the enthusiastic involvement of big technological companies and the massive investment of many billions of dollars, all the optimistic predictions about self driving cars "being around the corner”went utterly wrong.

I argue that these difficulties emblematically illustrate the challenges raised by the vision for trustworthy autonomous systems. These are critical systems intended to replace human operators in complex organizations, very different from other intelligent systems such as game- playing robots or intelligent personal assistants.

I discuss complexity limitations inherent to autonomic behavior but also to integration in complex cyber physical and human environments. I argue that existing critical systems engineering techniques fall short of meeting the complexity challenge. I also argue that emerging end -to- end AI- enabled solutions currently developed by industry, fail to provide the required strong trustworthiness guarantees.

I advocate a hybrid design approach combining model based and data based techniques and seeking tradeoffs between performance and trustworthiness. I also discuss the validation problem emphasizing the need for rigorous simulation and testing techniques allowing technically sound safety evaluation.

I conclude that building trustworthy autonomous systems is a big step towards general AI that cannot be achieved without a new scientific foundation enriching and extending traditional systems engineering with data-driven techniques.



约瑟夫 · 希发基斯教授现任Verimag实验室名誉研究主任,目前的研究领域包括自主系统设计的基础和应用方面,重点关注自动驾驶汽车。

2007年,约瑟夫 · 希发基斯教授获得国际计算机界最高奖的“图灵奖”,以表彰他在模型检测的理论和应用上所做出的杰出贡献,而模型检测是应用最广泛的系统验证技术。

约瑟夫 · 希发基斯教授现任法国科学院院士、法国国家工程院院土、欧洲科学院院士、美国人文和科学院院士、美国工程院院士和中国科学院外籍院士。他曾获得法国国家功勋勋章大军官勋位,并担任法国荣誉军团、凤凰社指挥官。2012年,荣获达芬奇奖章。



时间:2023年2月8日 下午 16:00

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